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For 25 years Kent has been speaking on stages and across coffee tables, in locker rooms and conference rooms, putting courage into people to overcome whatever is holding them back and helping them do what they think is impossible by simply sharing his story of taking a leap of faith.
Kent has quite the story to share with you. It's powerful! But it can also be yours. A story of journeying with pain, failure, grief, and uncertainty only to discover the gifts of renewed trust, active waiting, hard work, and ultimately his God-given purpose.​​
We will be having 2 full sessions packed with worship and the Word from 10:00AM to 2:30PM. During intermission we will break to allow you at get lunch at one of the many great places to eat around Moundsville.
Why partner with the UOVBA?
We are a connected network of pastors and churches across West Virginia, Ohio, & Pennsylvania seeking to accomplish Great Commission work.
Ministry opportunities for both pastors and church members that open the door to community engagement with the Gospel.
A cooperative relationship and understanding that you are not alone in ministry. We strongly believe that we are truly better together.

Core Opportunities
Prayer support participating with our LIFT Prayer Team. A dedicated ministry that travels each week across the association praying for churches and their needs.
Discipleship Ministry Opportunities that take your church deeper in a solid discipleship process. In-depth trainings and workshops that can help launch discipleship for your church.
Our Missions and Evangelism team is willing to partner with your church to help canvas your neighborhood to help strengthen the church.. Also we provide opportunities for mission work and evangelism.
Involvement in Disaster Relief, Youth Ministry Opportunities and WMU Women's Ministries.